History of Jews in Brownsville, TN: click here
Early 1800's- Solomon and Joseph Sternberger emigrate from Germany, bringing with them a Torah scroll
1847- Jacob Felsenthal settles in Brownsville
1860's- The Sternberger brothers along with Jacob and Karoline Felsenthal use the Torah for Shabbat services in Brownsville in the Felsenthals' and the Sternbergers' Brownsville homes
1867- The congregation was formed
1878- The congregation purchased land and set it aside for the Adas Israel Cemetary
1879- The reform mode of worship was instituted in the congregation
1882- The congregation erected a temple
1920- The wooden exterior structure was bricked
1922- The congregation officially joined the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
2017 The Congregation celebrated its 150th birthday
2022 The Congregation will celebrate the 140th anniversary of the construction of the Temple